Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Leather Jewels

I am a sucker for beautifully crafted jewelry. My newest love is Leather Jewelry. I found the company Leather Jewels. They make some beautifully crafted Jewelry and I wanted to share with everyone.

They make lots of different bracelet designs. They have everything from plain to carved, braided and hand painted items. They even have some braided leather designs that are just amazing.Leather Jewels also makes leather rings, pouches, key rings, earrings and hair barrettes. Leather Jewels has wide price range so I'm sure there is something everyone can afford. I will be reviewing several of their items in the comming weeks this is the first of them.

A close up of the necklace
 I received several items as free samples for this review. I decided I would review all of the braded Items together in one Review as they are all similar and I thought they would go well together. I found the braided leather designs to be very unique, it was definitely not something I had ever seen before. I have no idea how they do it but I love it.The necklace I received is made of a dark brown leather and has what they call enamel decorations on it. Mine are a beautiful blue color. I do wish the clasp on the necklace they sent was a bit heavier. With the Kids I am a little worried about one of them pulling on it and breaking it.  Other than that I am thrilled with it. I received a wonderful pair of braided dangling earrings that are very beautiful. I have no idea how they got the braiding so small, I am amazed. The Artist is truly talented. They also sent me a narrow braided bracelet my daughter has actually claimed this one. Its what she calls curvy and it fits her style well. Its beautifully done and it uses a knot clasp to hold it closed I feel that it holds well and I haven't had a problem with it coming undone. 

I would love for everyone to come check there Leather Jewels at

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