Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Educeri Lesson Subscription Service Review

Educeri Lesson Subscription Service Reviews

We were blessed to receive Educeri Lesson Subscription Service from Educeri .......  Educeri a division of DataWORKS .  This is another wonderful subscription service that has tones of downloadable lessons that cover all grade levels. There are 1,000 lessons in Math alone 413 lessons for all math grade levels. 525 lessons for all Language Arts grades, 22 lessons for science though they are mostly for middle through high school. History has 26 lessons for 5th grade and up.  There are even a few Music, Art and PE lessons.

Educeri Lesson Subscription Service Reviews
We tried a lesson called Identify Regular and Irregular Verbs. When you go to the page there is a Description about the lesson on the main page. Then off to the side is the good stuff. There is a Teach Lesson button and an additional resources button. Additional Resources will take you to the downloadable student handout. The Teach Button is just that the part you take your child to. There they will actually learn the lesson being taught. The lesson opens in your web browser and is fairly simple to navigate. It has forward and backwards buttons at the bottom. It gives your child an objective and a reminder about prior knowledge, There is also a make a connection and a vocabulary section and a marker for highlighting things as you go. There are some questions along the side of each page to work through as you go along in the lesson. When you have completed the lesson they will do the student handout. Parents answer key is included and they are working on a quiz for your child to do after each lesson.

Educeri Lesson Subscription Service ReviewsMy 4th grader liked it she said the lessons were fairly easy to understand. I had to explain to her how it worked the first time and after that she was able to navigate the lesson on her own, stopping to ask me questions as she needed. She noted that as she clicked the forward button in the lesson that it would select the answer to the questions on the page. So I had to have her write her answer down on a piece of paper then click to check and see if she was right.

The next one we tried out was Produce Simple Sentences. This one is a 2nd grade lesson like the others it has some printable student handouts. The navigation of the lesson is similar to the others we tried. My second grader need more guidance on it but I expected that. As you read through the lesson it will ask you to do some things like circle the subject. No matter what you click in the lesson it will select the correct answer for you. It will also show the answer when you hit the forward arrow.  So like for my oldest daughter we started having her write down her answer to the question before clicking to check and see if she was correct. Then I remembered the Highlighter feature. So now I have them highlight the answer before clicking to see if they are right. This worked much better than the write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. She also enjoyed the lessons and did well with the student hand outs.

The only down fall we found with the program is that the lessons are not read out loud to the child. This would be such a handy addition for an auditory learner. My daughter likes to both hear and read the lessons. So she was a bit bummed when it did not read the lesson to her. I would also like to see more science and history lessons for the elementary and middle school grades.

Everyone click the link below to see to check out what the other Homeschool Review Crew members tried out at Educeri.

Educeri Lesson Subscription Service

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