Sunday, December 7, 2014

Christmas Projects

This week I have been working like a crazy woman trying to finish up some Christmas projects for
the girls and one of my nieces. I got this hair brained idea two weeks a go that the girls needed a doll high chair to go with the doll bed I made for them a year a go. I set out to find some free downloadable plans for the high chair. Lets just say, that was a total flop everything was cheesy I found one picture on line that I liked but it was one of those dead end pictures and I have no idea where it came from. So my crafty self took a look at that picture and then some measurements from three other plans that I had found and didn't like and I sort of created a plan for a doll high chair. I started it two weeks a go I had no idea if it would even work out. All I had to loose was $10 in wood and some time. I think it turned out alright but I have worn out a palm sander and I don't think I have any finger prints left from all the sanding this thing took.  I finally settled on a stain took me 30 minutes of standing in the middle of the isle at Walmart going this one! no this one! wait maybe this one is better. Finally I texted my sister and narrowed it down to two colors and then I just closed my eyes and grabbed one. Check out the Pictures and tell me what you think. If you cant tell the tray slides in and out just like a real high chair.

While I was browsing around online for the high chair plans. I came across a plan on for a tic tac toe board game. My girls love tic tac toe they play constantly, I am always finding game doodles on the back of there class work. So of course I decided they needed to have one. I rummaged around the scrap pile and found just enough for two game boards. My niece and nephew will also be receiving one. Of course me being me I couldn't just follow the plan I had to change it up a little. The original plan called for 1x4's to make the box I didn't have any so I used the left over 1x2's from the high chair project and some scrap 1/4" ply. I exchanged the 2x2 game pieces for actual X's and O's from one of my favorite stores Hobby Lobby. They are made out of 1/4" ply I probably could have cut them out my self but it only cost me $2 for enough letters to do both game boards. I really hope the kids enjoy there gifts and I managed to get them done before Christmas Eve this time !

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