Tuesday, June 13, 2017

How to HOMESCHOOL with Stunning Confidence, Contagious Joy, and Amazing Focus Review

Apologia Educational Ministries

Me and the girls have been homeschooling for 5 years now. When you first start homeschooling it can all seem overwhelming. I remember feeling a little lost when I made the decision to homeschool the girls. I was filled with questions about where to start, what curriculum to get, homeschooling laws....  Are good friends at Apologia Educational Ministries have come up with a great product to help all you beginning homeschoolers get started. They have just introduced How to HOMESCHOOL with Stunning Confidence, Contagious Joy, and Amazing Focus (DVD & Coursebook). That's  right momma your gonna get some home work from Apologia. Really it's not scary home work and it really is helpful if you are just starting out. The set sells for around $49.00 and includes the course book and 2 DVD's.

How to HOMESCHOOL with Stunning Confidence, Contagious Joy, and Amazing Focus (DVD & Coursebook)The course book has 15 Chapters that will help you get started on your homeschooling adventure. It covers things like how to choose the right curriculum for your family. How to organize your day. Yes your are going to need some organization when you start homeschooling. How to build a support system to get you through your homeschooling years. Setting goals for your home school. Just some basic things to get your homeschooling adventure off the ground. Each chapter has a few pages that you will read then a blank area for your assignment.I found the book to be easy to understand and I actually read through it the first time quite quickly. I then went through it a second time. Taking the time to do the homework at the end of each section. The homework is simple and really doesent take all that long to complete but it does help you to organize your thoughts and really put down on paper how you want to homeschool. It's important to have some of these things down on paper. As time goes on and you have a ad school week you can go back to these assignments and remind your self why you started this homeschooling journey in the first place. It's also a great way to look back and see how your homeschool has evolved over the years. 

Course content:
Introduction: Join Us on the Journey
Chapter 1: How to Get the Most Out of This Course Designing Your Road Map
Chapter 2: Setting Goals for the Journey
Chapter 3: Finding Support
Chapter 4: Choosing Curriculum, Finding Your Way
Chapter 5: Practical How-To's 
Chapter 6: Organizing Your Homeschool Stuff
Chapter 7: Organizing Your Homeschool Day
Chapter 8: Tips from Veterans, Navigating the Detours
Chapter 9: Family Matters-Marriage
Chapter 10: Family Matters- The Rest
Chapter 11:Dealing with Opposition, Arriving at Your Destination
Chapter 12: High School Graduation and College
Chapter 13: If College Is Not the End game
Chapter 14: You Can Make It!
Chapter 15: Continuing Education and Encouragement Opportunity

The dvd is a 2 dvd set and is nicely done. It has a sort of coffee and tea vibe. It's two great homeschooling moms Rachael Carman and Leslie Nunnery sitting down and discussing some of the questions a new homeschooler might have. They talk some about why they chose homeschooling and touch on things like being flexible, organization, building the support system you need to homeschool. All the chapters on the dvds are under 20 minutes. Most seemed to be around 7 min so they are short enough to do while a little is taking a nap or while a bigger child is doing some independent study. 

If you are new to homeschooling and reading my blog because you are looking for some help in getting started How to HOMESCHOOL might be just the thing you are looking for.

Don't forget to click the link and read the other reviews done by the Crew some of us had the chance to review a new product called Internship for High School Credit

Homeschool with Confidence & Internship for High School {Apologia Educational Ministries Reviews}
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