
Monday, November 5, 2018

Master Kitz The Starry Night Review

Snoopy girl has gotten into painting and drawing lately. She was very excited when I told her she we were given the chance to review  the Master Kitz The Starry Night by You can locate it on their website

This is a kit to help your child easily recreate Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night painting. This kit comes in a box with 2 sheets of heavy weight water color type paper, one stencil for making the buildings, some round stickers to make the void for the stars, one textured roller that makes the swirl design, one foam roller for applying the black on the stencil for the buildings, it also contains a couple of colors of acrylic paint crayons, one bottle of blue acrylic paint, one bottle of white, and one bottle of black.

We received this kit a few weeks a go and my girls quickly wanted to jump in. The paper and stencil came rolled up in the box so the first thing we did was lay it out flat and put some books on top of it. We read through the directions and took a look at all the items that were included in the box. The directions are very easy to follow they are broke down into steps with little pictures to show you what you need to do. We started off by taping down the white paper. The next step has you use the round stickers to make the voids for the yellow stars. Then it has you use the textured roller to apply blue paint across the hole paper, then you will roll on a little white with the same roller. Next they tape the stencil over the paper you just painted, lining it up with the top edge. They use the solid roller to roll black paint over the stencil. Then you carefully remove the stencil. The next step has you peeling off the round stickers this is easier said then done. Ours stuck so well that they started to tear the paper they were stuck to. I ended up having to help get them off and we managed to remove them with out tearing the paper all the way through. After this you must wait for the paint to dry. We sang the baby shark song while we waited. Takes about 10 min for it to dry depending on the humidity in your house. The steps then have you using those acrylic paint crayons to finish up the details.

Since the kit came with two sheets of paper both of the girls tried out this project. They enjoyed almost every aspect of it except when the round stickers started to tear the paper. I think their painting came out great and for a beginner artist kit this was fun. Do their paintings look exactly like the original? Of course not they used stencils and foam rollers instead of brushes and pallet knives. But when someone looks at it they can recognize where the idea came from. They got a little art history because we looked up some of his other works of art. They also got to try out some new painting methods. All in all they had loads of fun with this one and we would are interested in other products by Kidzaw.

So here are the final paintings. The final paintings they look great don't you think? Be sure to click the banner below and see what amazing art the other Crew Kids have done.

Master Kitz The Starry Night { Reviews}
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