
Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Local paint class

The girls took a local paint class. They were the only kids there and I think their Christmas paintings came out great!

Monday, December 23, 2019

T'was the night before Christmas

T'was the night before Christmas, as she sat all alone, In a room made secure, full of consoles and phones. I had come down the chimney with presents to give And to see just which hero in this center did live.
I looked all around and what did I see? No tinsel, no presents, just a very small tree. No stockings by a fire, just switchboards & mics, And a few small photos of her kids riding bikes.
Amongst medals, and badges, awards of all kinds A sobering thought crept into my mind, For this room was different, so busy and bright: T'was the 911 office, and a dispatcher on "nights."
I'd heard stories about them and wanted to know more, So I walked down the hall, and pushed on the door. And there she sat with keyboards and mouse, Waiting to set tones on a well roasting house.
Her face O' so gentle, her room was abuzz, It occurred to me then that she needed a hug. Was this the hero of whom I'd read? Sitting at a console making her bread?
Though my stress was high, hers seemed to be zero And I soon understood this was more than a hero For I realized the families that I saw just that night Owed their lives to this servant who was willing to fight.
Soon 'round the world, the children would play, And grownups would celebrate a new Christmas day. They all enjoyed freedom each day of the year, Because of dispatchers like her standing so near.
I couldn't help wonder how many there were On a cold Christmas Eve working hard like her. Just the very thought brought a tear to my eye, I eased up beside her my heart full of pride.
The dispatcher said, as she saw my tears falling, "Santa don't worry, this life is my calling; I am the watcher: a lone, steady voice, Getting help to the helpless: my job and my choice.
With a wink and a smile she answered a call, An elderly man who'd been hurt in a fall. I watched her intently, so alert, and so quick, And I saw a slight shiver as she made a mouse click.
So I took off my jacket, thick, fluffy and red, And I covered her shoulders, her neck, and her head. I put on her sweater, which was smaller and tight, The two of us there must've been quite a sight!
Though her sweater hardly fit me, my heart swelled with pride, And for a fleeting moment I felt a kinship inside. I didn't want to leave her on that cold dark night, This guardian of honor so ready to fight.
But she kissed my cheek, and in a voice so pure, Said, "Carry on Santa. Christmas Day is secure." One look at my watch, and I knew she was right. Merry Christmas my friend, as you watch through the night.

Author Unknown

Merry Christmas to all Telecommunicators out there!!!

Saturday, December 7, 2019