
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Christmas Shenanigans

The girls decided they were more than big enough to do the tree them selves this year. I helped them get the top on because I wouldn't let the climb the ladder. After that I let them at it. I ran down stairs to grab the box of ornaments for them when I hear MOM we have a situation. I ran in and found this. 

The silly girls pulled the lights to hard and it started to fall over. They were just standing their holding the tree laughing like crazy. 

Let the Christmas Shenanigans Begin!

Friday, November 10, 2017

Dispatch Life

When you are a Dispatcher coffee is your best friend. It's just a part of dispatch life. Having a good coffee cup is essential. Meet my second best friend my coffee cup. I had this custom made and I love it. Not only does it look cool but it keeps my coffee hot for hours not that a cup of coffee last for house most of the time. But if it gets busy its almost always hot when I can finally get back to it. Anyone else have a favorite coffee cup. Show them to me in the comments. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Innovators Tribe Thinking Like an Engineer Review

Innovators Tribe

Do you have a child that's interested in engineering or architecture? If you do than this program might be the perfect way to get them started. My 5th grader is currently doing a great program called Thinking Like an Engineer . This program and their sister Thinking Like an Architect is by the Innovators Tribe. This program is for grades 6-12 although my 5th grader is having a blast with it and only needs a little help on certain projects. This is an online course so you must have internet. The classes are not live so your child can do them when ever it fits into your day. The program included video lessons and the 3D software your child will need to complete the course. 

Course length is about 30 hours give or take. You should be able to get at least 1 quarter per course. For an elective that is good. If you have more than one child all of them can take the course as you can use it for more than one child. I feel like this really adds a great value to the program and makes it very budget friendly. You get access to the course for 18 months and the 3D software is yours to keep.

Innovators Tribe What You Get

What your child will learn: Lots....

What an engineer does and the different types of engineers, Math, problem solving, how to think like an engineer etc. 

                                                          What will they do....

Have lots of fun while learning of course...
They will also do challenging activities like how to build a tower or a water filter. They will build and design a bridge, a roller coaster and many other fun and exciting projects using the 3D software. The program also includes printable work pages that go along with each lesson. The printable's are a nice way  to reinforce the information they are getting from the videos and we placed them in our portfolio to document what they studied in the course.

The program says its for a 6-12 grade. I let my 5th grader review this one for me. She was really excited to try it and knew going into it that she might need help with some of the lessons. She was prepared for having to have help with the 3D software.  

I decided I would set her up with her log in and see how far she could go on her own. Right out of the gate she was excited. It gives an introduction that tells them how to navigate the program and lessons. It give all the information they need to get started on their own. She even found and printer her work pages and put them in a binder on her own.  One of her favorite projects was to build a structure out of 1 sheets of paper and 24in of masking tape that could hold as many books as possible. The first one was a total flop it fell after like 3 small books. She took a step back watched the video lesson again and gave her design some more thought. The next one was a better design and held a few more books. She gave it a third try and it topped out at 22lbs. 

She was impressed and eager to move on in to the next assignment. She build a water filter (which I committed a homeschool parenting fail and didn't get pictures of.) She worked on this one for several hours. She tried every thing from moss out of the yard, to scrap fabric of different blends. She settled on a blend of cotton fabric with a coffee filter as a secondary filter. 

She has just got into the 3D software part of the program she is still working on her first project. It was easy to get installed and she is starting to really figure out how to use it. So far she seems to be picking up how to design things fairly quickly and really has not needed much help from me. She is putting a lot of time into getting it just the way she wants. I cant wait to see how it comes out.  We are looking forward to seeing what else we get to design in the course. 

Thinking Like an Engineer

The hands on aspect of this program is priceless. She is having so much fun. I love seeing her excitement as she starts figuring out how to build/design something. She is remembering so much more than what she would have, had she just read the information in a book. Just the other day as we crossed a small bridge in town she began to tell me how bridges are built and the different types. Score one for The Homeschool Mom. Click the banner below and see what other homeschooler are saying about Thinking Line an Engineer and Thinking Like a Architect. 

Thinking Like an Architect or Engineer {Innovators Tribe Reviews}
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