
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

We took a trip back in October. It was one of those hey lets drive across country with two kids it will be fun kind of deals. Along the way we got to see some really great things and my girls got to experience a 2,000 mile road trip. One of the highlights of the trip was camping along Historical Route 66. The one camp ground we stayed at had the huge Route 66 painted on road. We decided it was a great time to grab some snap shots for our scrap books. As we walked down the road the girls sang We Got our Kicks on Route 66 and I am sure that all the other campers got a kick out of us.. Huge bonus if you look at the picture below in the background there is a sign for a storage company owned by none other than Snoopy's brother Spike!. We were told this was his home town. We found little signs with spike on them all over town. 

We had a lot of other great adventures on this trip including a ride on the Grand Canyon Railway. 

Live Laugh Love and take a road trip or two. Memories are made not in front of the tv or cell phone. But on adventures like these. So my advice for the summer is. Take away the electronics, get out and do something with your family, make a memory that will last a life time.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Tree removal

Had to remove some trees this weekend. Sure changed the look of things. 

And they are on the ground time for clean up.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The Typing Coach Online Typing Course Review

The Typing Coach

My oldest has been asking for a typing program so when we got the opportunity to review for The Typing Coach she were excited to give it a go. For the last 6 weeks or so my 9 year old has been using The Typing Coach Online Typing Course. This course is a self paced audio course that uses a systematic approach to teach kids to type with out looking at the keyboard or monitor. It is self paced and has both audio, video and written instructions. It also includes a typing speed and online assessment center. It has 7 lessons and them some beginning and ending stuff for you to do like the assessments.

You log in to the program and their is an introduction section you cant miss it its right in the middle of the screen says course introduction. The video is simple and easy to understand and follow. Under course instructions you will find some printable that you will need to print. It recommends printing double sided. Our printer does that and it worked well. After the Course introduction you might notice a section called slower paced lessons. These are for younger kids 8-11 who might not be ready for the longer lessons. So you can opt to use these lessons if you need to. You start off with the posture lesson its quick and easy to. My daughter was able to get the hang of it right away. From their you move on to the other lessons. It is recommended you not move on to a new lesson tell you have mastered the previous one.

The Typing Coach For each lesson you will need the appropriate printable that you printed from the course instruction section. You will also need a word processor. Something like Microsoft word will work. We downloaded a free one online since my daughters computer did not come with one installed. You will then read the instructions under the section of course you are on. Next you play the audio that is included in that section. Each section is set up in a similar manner. 

So far I am glad that the program is self paced. My daughter is taking a while to master each row. She does like the lessons and I can often hear her talking back to the audio or reading her printable out loud as she types. She says that she gets it but its just hard to do. I may have her go back and try the slower paced lessons instead. Their is a different printable packet for the slower paced lessons. She has yet to try any of the assessments because she is still struggling with with the first row. To be honest I thought she would pick it up faster. The program emphasizes that you go for accuracy over speed. As the speed will come with time and practice. So here we are going along trying to get the accuracy up so she can do the assessment. She is getting a little tired of typing the same thing over and over though. She has ask a few times if their is another option for here to type from. I did look at the assessment it seemed fair but it does require accuracy to pass or it locks you out for I believe its 2 days so that you have to practice before you try again. 

Over all its a good program to get started with typing. It covers all the basics and I think if a person was to start with it over some of the others they might not learn some of the bad habits that come with some of the other programs I have tried over the years. Be sure to click the banner below and read some more reviews. The Crew Members have children in a variety of different age groups so come see how other kids did with The Typing Coach Online.

The Typing Coach Online Typing Course {The Typing Coach Reviews}
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Look who we found at walmart this week.Her best friend Snoopy.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Stay vacation

What do you do when your favorite campground is flooded and the road is washed out. You throw up the tent in the yard and camp out. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

ArtAchieve Level II Review


We are excited to be reviewing for ArtAchieve this year. We received the Entire Level II package. This is a subscription service and a 1 year license runs around $56.78. Their are 14 lessons in the Level II package. Each lesson has either a video or a power point lesson that you child watches. They can fast forward rewind and pause as much as they like. Then the program offers some printable things like warm up pages and printouts. It mostly uses art supplies that you will already have around the house. Things like sharpie's, colored markers, colored pencils, water color paints. We used water color pencils for some of the projects because well my girls like them over standard water colors. Standard copy paper works but you can get a big pad of art paper fairly cheep at most box stores now days. Art paper holds up a little better if you are using water color paints. It is quite a bit thicker than regular copy paper.

The Level II package is a step up from the Level I that the girls reviews last year. I would say the Level II lessons are a little harder and more complex than the Level I lessons were. The lessons require your child to use some new techniques than what they used in the first Level. The pictures they are ask to draw are more detailed than what the level 1 pictures were. The girls seemed to do ok with this level. They are not making Picasso by any means but they have shown improvement. I would liked to have seen her do some of the finer details on the Dala horse. In the lesson the saddle and main have some patterns drawn on them. My oldest was a little more into it than my youngest was. She put some effort into her Swedish Dala horse and the Japanese fish. Although I am not sure the horse was suppose to have wings. I would like to see her try the Hiding butterflies that is in lesson 10. We picked up some acrylic paints the other day and we may just get a canvas to paint it on. That way if she is happy with it we can hang it in the classroom.

My youngest still likes the warm up pages the best. I think the warm ups are helping her build confidence in her ability to make the lines before she try's to tackle the actual picture. Her lines are looking more fluent.  She is doing a lot less stopping and starting when she makes each line so I think its helping to build her confidence. She was willing to try lesson 1 and 2. I included the picture that she did of the duck. Yes I know its side ways but my computer will not turn it around. It keeps uploading like this. She was so proud of how it turned out I had to include it even if you have to turn your head sideways when you look at it.


All in all we are pleased with the ArtAchieve Level II and we would love for you to click the link below and visit them and don't forget to read some more Homeschool Crew reviews and see more of the amazing artwork that out Crew Kids have done using ArtAchieve Level II. 


Art Lessons Inspired From Around the World {ArtAchieve Reviews}

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