
Friday, June 28, 2013

FunBites are Back

FunBites are back to kick off the new school year with a cool new shape Triangles. We got the opportunity to work with FunBites again.  We love the other FunBites shapes that we tried out last year and were excited to add Triangles to our collection. We use them on everything sandwiches, pancakes, french toast, cake, toast, cheese, hamburgers you name it we have probably tired to cut it with FunBites. We found the triangles to be just as easy to use as we did the other shapes. The girls love cutting things up with them. FunBites makes perfect bite-sized pieces for school lunches trips to the park etc. Hears how you do it and a little bit more information in case you didn't catch it last time.

FunBites is the first state of the art kitchen tool that cuts kids food into bite sized fun shaped pieces. They are 100% made in the USA!,they are BPA Free and top Rack dishwasher safe.

To use follow 3 easy steps:
Step 1: place FunBites cutter on top of food. Remove popper top and set to the side.
Step 2: Grab cutter handles on both sides press down firmly and rock 5-6 times to cut through the food.
Step 3: Lift the cutter up, insert popper top and pop out the bite-sized pieces!

That's all there is to it.

Hears a Quick shot of the FunBites triangle straight from the FunBites site.

Disclosure: I received the FunBites Triangle shape free of charge in order to test the product to write the review. All opinions are my own or that of my kids.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Spring In your step

If you have kids like mine you probably know how it is to try and keep there allergies under control in the spring. As a part of the Children's Claritin Mom Crew I get to try our come great Childrn's Claritin products and I get tips and tricks to help my kid's through allergy season and I get to share it with all my mommy friends who's kids suffer from allergies. This month I received the 2013 preparedness checklist and tips to help keep me and my mommy friends prepared for 2013. It covers things like CPR flue season, spring cleaning and allergy removal just simple things you can do to make allergy season a little better. I also received a nifty box of Children's Claritin which is always handy to have and some flex-able hot and cold packs to share.

Disclosure I received these products free of charger as a part of the Children's Claritin Mom Crew.